Our company was awarded with the consecutive prestigious distinction on February 7th 2018. This time it is honorary medal “Zasłużony dla Eksportu RP” (Well-deserved for Export) awarded by the order's chapter operating at The Republic of Poland National Exporters Association - Krajowe Stowarzyszenie Eksporterzy Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej. The award ceremony took place at a gala held at the Congress Center of the University of Life Sciences in Lublin under the honorary patronage of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The award was presented by Tadeusz Kościński, Undersecretary in Ministry of Enterprise and Technology. The distinction is a recognition for the dynamically growing TELDAT export to the global market and confirmation of the professionalism and effectiveness of the company. It is also a proof of high value, quality and evaluation of our highly specialized products that are developed and implemented while maintaining the highest international standards.